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    PP Filament NonWoven Geotextile

    1. 產品介紹:

    1.Product Introduction:

    (1)質量輕。聚丙烯密度僅為0.91 g/cm3(聚酯為1.38 g/cm3),因此聚丙烯土工布與聚酯土工布相比,在相同的強力下,同等質量的土工布具有更大的覆蓋面積。

     (1) Lightweight: The density of polypropylene is only 0.91 g/cm3 (polyester is 1.38 g/cm3), so polypropylene geotextile has a larger coverage area compared to polyester geotextile under the same strength.


    (2) Good chemical stability: Polypropylene has excellent acid and alkali resistance, especially better alkali resistance than polyester. Polyester geotextile is prone to irreversible hydrolysis under alkaline conditions or in the presence of a large amount of water, which will reduce or even completely lose the performance of the material, especially not suitable for the parts in direct contact with alkaline interfaces such as cement, lime, saline alkali land, while polypropylene geotextile is fully suitable for the above environment, and will not cause environmental pollution.


    (3) High mechanical properties:Polypropylene spunbonded needle punched geotextile is formed by the consolidation of continuous polypropylene filaments. The main form of tensile fracture on the fabric surface is fiber fracture, while short fiber geotextile mainly involves fiber extraction between fibers. Therefore, the strength, elongation, and other mechanical properties of polypropylene spunbonded needle punched geotextile are superior to short fiber geotextile.


    (4) Good drainage performance: Polypropylene has excellent hydrophobicity, but it has good water conductivity and is better than polyester in drainage engineering applications.


    (5) Good filtering effect: The polypropylene geotextile produced by our company can achieve the composite of polypropylene non-woven fabrics with different denier numbers, forming a double-layer filtration and achieving better filtration effect.


    (6) Convenient construction: Polypropylene spunbonded needle punched geotextile has a low needle density, a soft and non rigid surface, and is more suitable for use, making laying and installation more convenient.

    2. 主要規格100克,150克,200克,300克,400克,500克,600克,800克,1000克。

    2. Main specifications: 100g, 150g, 200g, 300g, 400g, 500g, 600g, 800g, 1000g.


    3. Application:


    (1) Anti permeability: Long filament geotextile can be used as an excellent anti-seepage material for various anti-seepage measures in water conservancy, hydropower, transportation, urban construction, and other projects. For example, it can be used in projects such as dams, tunnels, reservoirs, landfills, and anti-seepage walls to prevent water infiltration and leakage.


    (2) Reinforcement and reinforcement: Long filament geotextile can be used as a reinforcement material for various foundation reinforcement and soil reinforcement projects. For example, in projects such as roadbeds, railways, airports, and docks, long filament geotextiles can be used to strengthen the soil and improve its bearing capacity and stability.


    (3) Protective isolation: Long filament geotextile can be used as a protective isolation material for various protective and isolation projects. For example, in projects such as coastal protection, riverbank protection, and soil slope protection, filament geotextile can be used as an isolation material to prevent soil erosion and erosion.


    (4)(4) Environmental protection: Long filament geotextile can be used in environmental protection projects, such as landfills, sewage treatment plants, etc. It can be used as a covering material to prevent the diffusion and leakage of pollutants.


                 產品執行標準:GB/T 17639-2008 


                                              Product Execution Standard: GB/T 17639-2008


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